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Tender Template & Writing Kit

Easy to use
Clear and comprehensive guidance notes.
Document Library
A collection of documents to assist in preparing for a tender application.
Editable templates to assist with preparing a competitive tender.
Ready to use
Practical steps for your business to implement instantly.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: While you are purchasing a very comprehensive Australian template, it is important to understand that the purchasing of this template is not considered legal advice. If you require legal advice and support utilising this template, you will need to consult a lawyer.

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Each Business Kitz resource, including our Tender Template & Writing Kit, contains comprehensive Guidance Notes as well as helpful suggestions to assist you with populating the document.

The Tender Template & Writing Kit or Tender Template covers the following:

  1. Overview
    1. What is a Tender?
    2. The Tender Process
    3. What are Tender Alerts?
    4. How are Tenders Selected and Won?
  2. Tender Organisations
    1. Register Tender Alerts
    2. Tender Alert Registration Checklist
    3. Managing Tender Alerts
    4. Tender Subscription Providers
    5. Tender Log-In Details Template
  3. Register to Supplier Lists
    1. Supplier List Registration Checklist
    2. Organisations with a Supplier List
  4. Find Work Using the Tender Process
    1. Other Ways to Use the Tender Process to Find Work
  5. Be Tender Ready
    1. Why it’s a good idea
    2. Checklist
    3. Organisation Overview
    4. Management structure
    5. Team profiles
    6. Contractors
    7. Letter of Commitment
    8. Track record
    9. Quality Assurance
    10. Workplace Health and Safety
    11. Workplace Gender Equality
    12. Environmental Impact Strategy
    13. Risk Management Framework
    14. Budget Framework Took
    15. Project Costing and Pricing Tool
    16. Tender Library
  6. Tender Writing Checklist

Tender writing can be a lengthy process particularly if your businesses does not have the manpower and resources to dedicate to the task.

When writing a Tender, it is essential that:

  • Your proposal is well presented.
  • Your proposal Includes all the relevant information.
  • You have a plan to manage the tender writing process.
  • You have a clear review process.

Business Kitz Tender Template & Writing Kit provides your business with:

  1. Comprehensive guidance notes to provide clarity and direction, significantly reducing the time required.
  2. Templated documents to cut down the time required for the tender writing process and final review by a significant margin.
  3. Clear tender navigation process. The Tender writing process is laid out for you in organised folders and document processes.
  4. Detailed information and customisable elements to ensure you tender addresses the selection criteria and is not missing essential information.

More info about this template:

Each Business Kitz resource, including our Tender Template & Writing Kit, contains comprehensive Guidance Notes as well as helpful suggestions to assist you with populating the document.

The Tender Template & Writing Kit or Tender Template covers the following:

  1. Overview
    1. What is a Tender?
    2. The Tender Process
    3. What are Tender Alerts?
    4. How are Tenders Selected and Won?
  2. Tender Organisations
    1. Register Tender Alerts
    2. Tender Alert Registration Checklist
    3. Managing Tender Alerts
    4. Tender Subscription Providers
    5. Tender Log-In Details Template
  3. Register to Supplier Lists
    1. Supplier List Registration Checklist
    2. Organisations with a Supplier List
  4. Find Work Using the Tender Process
    1. Other Ways to Use the Tender Process to Find Work
  5. Be Tender Ready
    1. Why it’s a good idea
    2. Checklist
    3. Organisation Overview
    4. Management structure
    5. Team profiles
    6. Contractors
    7. Letter of Commitment
    8. Track record
    9. Quality Assurance
    10. Workplace Health and Safety
    11. Workplace Gender Equality
    12. Environmental Impact Strategy
    13. Risk Management Framework
    14. Budget Framework Took
    15. Project Costing and Pricing Tool
    16. Tender Library
  6. Tender Writing Checklist

Tender writing can be a lengthy process particularly if your businesses does not have the manpower and resources to dedicate to the task.

When writing a Tender, it is essential that:

  • Your proposal is well presented.
  • Your proposal Includes all the relevant information.
  • You have a plan to manage the tender writing process.
  • You have a clear review process.

Business Kitz Tender Template & Writing Kit provides your business with:

  1. Comprehensive guidance notes to provide clarity and direction, significantly reducing the time required.
  2. Templated documents to cut down the time required for the tender writing process and final review by a significant margin.
  3. Clear tender navigation process. The Tender writing process is laid out for you in organised folders and document processes.
  4. Detailed information and customisable elements to ensure you tender addresses the selection criteria and is not missing essential information.

How it works

1. Search

Search our comprehensive library of documents, select your template and download a copy.

2. Complete

Read any embedded guidance notes, complete the template as instructed and make any customised changes.

3. Sign & save

Digitally sign and execute documents as instructed and save a copy. Intelligent features coming soon.

We have satisfied customers

"The Business Kitz documents are so comprehensive and also easy-to-use. I'd recommend any Business Kitz product to any Australian business."
Jason Ryan
JJR Consulting, Melbourne
These documents were all of a very high quality and easy to follow which made the beginning stages of my business very easy to manage.
Michael Syna
Alchemenergy, Gold Coast
"You know Business Kitz agreements and documents are created by legal professionals. They are comprehensive, so you don’t have to worry about, or engage expensive lawyers which we have done in the past."
Matthew Pembroke
Pembroke Construction, Brisbane
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