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Privacy Policy Template

Easy to use
Clear and comprehensive guidance notes.
Easily customisable template to suit your business operation needs.
Cost effective
High-quality and cost-effective privacy policy template.
Risks covered for website privacy policy
Addresses key commercial points for a website privacy policy.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: While you are purchasing a very comprehensive Australian template, it is important to understand that the purchasing of this template is not considered legal advice. If you require legal advice and support utilising this template, you will need to consult a lawyer.

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This Privacy Policy Template has been specifically designed for Australian businesses who handle personal information. If your business is subject to the Australian Privacy Principles, your business is likely obliged to have a comprehensive privacy policy in place.

Document Details

The Privacy Policy Template includes the following:

  • Comprehensive guidance notes giving an overview of Australia's privacy laws
  • Introduction to the policy
  • Collection of information
  • Storage of information
  • Internet users
  • How we deal with unsolicited information
  • Use and disclosure of personal information
  • Protection of information
  • Sale of the business
  • Accessing your personal information
  • Contact us about your privacy
  • Changes to the policy
  • Complaints

Why does my business need a Privacy Policy?

A Privacy Policy should be utilised by your business to explain how your organisation handles personal information.

How is a privacy policy different to a confidentiality policy?

A Privacy Policy is different to a Confidentiality Policy. A Confidentiality Policy dictates how employees are expected to handle personal business information and customer information. A Privacy Policy provides information to employees and customers about how a business handles their personal information.

Collection of data and personal information

Data collection is an integral part of business systems and processes. Many businesses rely on the collection of data to advertise and sell their products or services.

If you or your business is collecting any form of personal information, then implementing a Privacy Policy Template can assist your business to:

  • Decrease the risk of legal dispute because of improper use of personal or identifying information.
  • Disclose how your business collects and stores information to employees and customers.
  • Provide customers and employees with a clear complaints process.
  • Notify customers and employees of their rights and what they are agreeing.

What is 'personal information'?

Personal information is considered as any information which can be used to identify or profile an individual or is otherwise considered private by individual or other organisations and businesses. For example, Individual identifying information can include a person’s name, age, or address and personal information collected from an organisation can include data such as financial and internal business process documents.

Digital businesses in particular rely on the collection and distribution of personal information to further their business objectives as their primary customer base is online. Personal or identifying data in this case can also include information such as an individual’s personal search history, likes and dislikes based on their online profile, social connections, and other information.

Our Privacy Policy Template is suitable for most Australian businesses 

If your business is currently collecting or will be collecting any personal or identifying information, we suggest purchasing this Privacy Policy Template and putting it in place today.

More info about this template:

This Privacy Policy Template has been specifically designed for Australian businesses who handle personal information. If your business is subject to the Australian Privacy Principles, your business is likely obliged to have a comprehensive privacy policy in place.

Document Details

The Privacy Policy Template includes the following:

  • Comprehensive guidance notes giving an overview of Australia's privacy laws
  • Introduction to the policy
  • Collection of information
  • Storage of information
  • Internet users
  • How we deal with unsolicited information
  • Use and disclosure of personal information
  • Protection of information
  • Sale of the business
  • Accessing your personal information
  • Contact us about your privacy
  • Changes to the policy
  • Complaints

Why does my business need a Privacy Policy?

A Privacy Policy should be utilised by your business to explain how your organisation handles personal information.

How is a privacy policy different to a confidentiality policy?

A Privacy Policy is different to a Confidentiality Policy. A Confidentiality Policy dictates how employees are expected to handle personal business information and customer information. A Privacy Policy provides information to employees and customers about how a business handles their personal information.

Collection of data and personal information

Data collection is an integral part of business systems and processes. Many businesses rely on the collection of data to advertise and sell their products or services.

If you or your business is collecting any form of personal information, then implementing a Privacy Policy Template can assist your business to:

  • Decrease the risk of legal dispute because of improper use of personal or identifying information.
  • Disclose how your business collects and stores information to employees and customers.
  • Provide customers and employees with a clear complaints process.
  • Notify customers and employees of their rights and what they are agreeing.

What is 'personal information'?

Personal information is considered as any information which can be used to identify or profile an individual or is otherwise considered private by individual or other organisations and businesses. For example, Individual identifying information can include a person’s name, age, or address and personal information collected from an organisation can include data such as financial and internal business process documents.

Digital businesses in particular rely on the collection and distribution of personal information to further their business objectives as their primary customer base is online. Personal or identifying data in this case can also include information such as an individual’s personal search history, likes and dislikes based on their online profile, social connections, and other information.

Our Privacy Policy Template is suitable for most Australian businesses 

If your business is currently collecting or will be collecting any personal or identifying information, we suggest purchasing this Privacy Policy Template and putting it in place today.

How it works

1. Search

Search our comprehensive library of documents, select your template and download a copy.

2. Complete

Read any embedded guidance notes, complete the template as instructed and make any customised changes.

3. Sign & save

Digitally sign and execute documents as instructed and save a copy. Intelligent features coming soon.

We have satisfied customers

"The Business Kitz documents are so comprehensive and also easy-to-use. I'd recommend any Business Kitz product to any Australian business."
Jason Ryan
JJR Consulting, Melbourne
These documents were all of a very high quality and easy to follow which made the beginning stages of my business very easy to manage.
Michael Syna
Alchemenergy, Gold Coast
"You know Business Kitz agreements and documents are created by legal professionals. They are comprehensive, so you don’t have to worry about, or engage expensive lawyers which we have done in the past."
Matthew Pembroke
Pembroke Construction, Brisbane
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