A Privacy and Confidentiality Policy Template should be utilised by your business to assist in the protection of your businesses personal IP and the personal information of customers. This policy template provides comprehensive and fully functioning guidelines and procedures for your employees to understand the expectations around their behaviour towards confidential information.
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy Template Document details
This Privacy and Confidentiality Policy Template includes:
Why does your business need a Privacy and Confidentiality Policy Template?
A Confidentiality Policy is different to a Privacy Policy. While a Privacy Policy provides information to employees and customers about how your business handles their personal information, a Confidentiality Policy is provided to employees to ensure that they handle the business’ personal information, IP and customer information correctly and respectfully.
This policy is typically given to employees, contractors, third party organisations, or any other party your business engages in order to encourage integrity in the distribution and utilisation of any personal information these parties receive. Providing employees with this policy also lets them know their responsibilities and obligations when handling personal information.
Implementing a Confidentiality Policy assists your business to decrease the risk of information links or unauthorised information distribution which could result in negative outcomes for your business and sets out procedures, guidelines and consequences for staff in circumstances where confidentiality is breached.
Implementing this can also assist in decreasing and can limit the liability of your business should personal or identifying information be leaked by employees or other parties given access to the information.
If your business wants to increase protection for your business IP, employee information and client information and other key protections, we suggest you purchase Business Kitz Confidentiality Policy.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: While you are purchasing a very comprehensive Australian template, it is important to understand that the purchasing of this template is not considered legal advice. If you require legal advice and support utilising this template, or if you have other questions, you can book a free 15 minute consultation with a team member from our associated law firm Legal Kitz. BOOK NOW
Using a Confidentiality Policy Template lets employees know and understand their responsibilities and obligations when handling personal information. To further assist your employee onboarding experience, take a look at our Casual Employment Agreement Template, this document governs the relationship when hiring a casual employee.
A Privacy and Confidentiality Policy Template should be utilised by your business to assist in the protection of your businesses personal IP and the personal information of customers. This policy template provides comprehensive and fully functioning guidelines and procedures for your employees to understand the expectations around their behaviour towards confidential information.
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy Template Document details
This Privacy and Confidentiality Policy Template includes:
Why does your business need a Privacy and Confidentiality Policy Template?
A Confidentiality Policy is different to a Privacy Policy. While a Privacy Policy provides information to employees and customers about how your business handles their personal information, a Confidentiality Policy is provided to employees to ensure that they handle the business’ personal information, IP and customer information correctly and respectfully.
This policy is typically given to employees, contractors, third party organisations, or any other party your business engages in order to encourage integrity in the distribution and utilisation of any personal information these parties receive. Providing employees with this policy also lets them know their responsibilities and obligations when handling personal information.
Implementing a Confidentiality Policy assists your business to decrease the risk of information links or unauthorised information distribution which could result in negative outcomes for your business and sets out procedures, guidelines and consequences for staff in circumstances where confidentiality is breached.
Implementing this can also assist in decreasing and can limit the liability of your business should personal or identifying information be leaked by employees or other parties given access to the information.
If your business wants to increase protection for your business IP, employee information and client information and other key protections, we suggest you purchase Business Kitz Confidentiality Policy.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: While you are purchasing a very comprehensive Australian template, it is important to understand that the purchasing of this template is not considered legal advice. If you require legal advice and support utilising this template, or if you have other questions, you can book a free 15 minute consultation with a team member from our associated law firm Legal Kitz. BOOK NOW
Using a Confidentiality Policy Template lets employees know and understand their responsibilities and obligations when handling personal information. To further assist your employee onboarding experience, take a look at our Casual Employment Agreement Template, this document governs the relationship when hiring a casual employee.