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Australian Grievance Policy Template

Easy to use
Clear and comprehensive guidance notes.
Easily customisable template to suit your business operation needs.
Fair Work compliant
Regularly updated by our compliance team.
High quality and cost-effective grievance policy.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: While you are purchasing a very comprehensive Australian template, it is important to understand that the purchasing of this template is not considered legal advice. If you require legal advice and support utilising this template, you will need to consult a lawyer.

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Each Business Kitz resource contains comprehensive guidance notes as well as helpful suggestions to assist you with populating the document.

Our Australian Employee Grievance Policy Template includes the following:

  • Overview
    • Scope and Application
    • Policy Administration
    • Purpose
  • Application
  • Guiding principals
  • Informal resolution
  • Formal procedures
    • Formal resolution
    • Referral to the Fair Work Commission

Why does my business need a Grievance Policy and Procedure?

A Grievance Policy should be used in your organisation to provide guidelines of what to do if any of your employees have complaints, problems or concerns that they want to raise. It should clearly state that an employee is allowed to voice their concerns and is able to do so in a safe and comfortable manner. It should also provide external measures to take if the problem cannot be resolved internally.

An effective Grievance Policy and Procedures offers a solid framework for managing and resolving issues in the workplace such as discrimination, bullying, harassment concerns and complaints against certain employees. It also provides appropriate mechanisms for employees to raise concerns and acts as a preventative measure for problems to escalate. A Grievance Policy provides informal ways of verbally addressing issues and problems in the workplace, and a formal approach if the informal ways are not effective. The purpose of having a Grievance Policy and relevant procedures is to allow your staff to feel like they are supported and safe in their workplace and promote inclusivity, communication, and a harmonious, productive working environment.

If an employee does decide to action the Grievance Policy and the procedures contained in it, all parties involved in the process of attempting resolution are encouraged to participate honestly and in good faith. Any information that is disclosed with regards to expressing concerns or problems under the Grievance Policy will fall under the organisation’s Confidentiality Policy and any breach in confidentiality may result in disciplinary action being taken.

If you are taking steps towards promoting inclusivity, a safe place for all employees and facilitating open communication without fear of reprisal, then we suggest that you purchase a Grievance Policy to implement in your organisation today.

More info about this template:

Each Business Kitz resource contains comprehensive guidance notes as well as helpful suggestions to assist you with populating the document.

Our Australian Employee Grievance Policy Template includes the following:

  • Overview
    • Scope and Application
    • Policy Administration
    • Purpose
  • Application
  • Guiding principals
  • Informal resolution
  • Formal procedures
    • Formal resolution
    • Referral to the Fair Work Commission

Why does my business need a Grievance Policy and Procedure?

A Grievance Policy should be used in your organisation to provide guidelines of what to do if any of your employees have complaints, problems or concerns that they want to raise. It should clearly state that an employee is allowed to voice their concerns and is able to do so in a safe and comfortable manner. It should also provide external measures to take if the problem cannot be resolved internally.

An effective Grievance Policy and Procedures offers a solid framework for managing and resolving issues in the workplace such as discrimination, bullying, harassment concerns and complaints against certain employees. It also provides appropriate mechanisms for employees to raise concerns and acts as a preventative measure for problems to escalate. A Grievance Policy provides informal ways of verbally addressing issues and problems in the workplace, and a formal approach if the informal ways are not effective. The purpose of having a Grievance Policy and relevant procedures is to allow your staff to feel like they are supported and safe in their workplace and promote inclusivity, communication, and a harmonious, productive working environment.

If an employee does decide to action the Grievance Policy and the procedures contained in it, all parties involved in the process of attempting resolution are encouraged to participate honestly and in good faith. Any information that is disclosed with regards to expressing concerns or problems under the Grievance Policy will fall under the organisation’s Confidentiality Policy and any breach in confidentiality may result in disciplinary action being taken.

If you are taking steps towards promoting inclusivity, a safe place for all employees and facilitating open communication without fear of reprisal, then we suggest that you purchase a Grievance Policy to implement in your organisation today.

How it works

1. Search

Search our comprehensive library of documents, select your template and download a copy.

2. Complete

Read any embedded guidance notes, complete the template as instructed and make any customised changes.

3. Sign & save

Digitally sign and execute documents as instructed and save a copy. Intelligent features coming soon.

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JJR Consulting, Melbourne
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Alchemenergy, Gold Coast
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