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We want to free you

As a humanity, we are an ecosystem with undeniable threads that bind us together; yet we have spent the last century trying to systemise and control enterprise in a way that is segregated and finite.

When you look at business or someone’s work as an expression of someone’s true calling, an actualising of a dream or a vision, you begin to realise that it comes from somewhere rather unbounded that is sparked from flow.

The imagination has no limitation, so neither should the business systems of our future.

Business Kitz is creating systems that can birth your world changing ideas with complete flow.
Systems that work for humanity, rather than trapping us in the rat race of centralised systems and transactions.

Together, we are creating a world where every person has the courage and support to follow their true calling. A world where currency is no longer time vs money, but is rather laced with intent, value, potentiality and creativity.

It’s time to rewrite our stories with the birth of the new way we interact with our systems and each other.

We can’t wait to see how you pivot and create with the powerful tools we have created as we believe all of us have an untapped true genius that is waiting to be released into this world.

We believe in:


We are your 'industry rebels', changing the way business is run so that you can focus on what really counts.


We believe honourable leadership is underpinned by equality and authenticity. We have nothing to hide and so much to share.


One team - one vision. Working in unison to deliver greatness on a journey to personal and business liberation.


Our technology was born from a place of deep care for those who struggled, toiled and sweated to earn a living. We care.

Ideally, use the time we save you to create beautiful things in the world.

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